Monday, August 15, 2011

berbuka dan bersahur

                                          irdina pun bangun sahur jugak daaaa.....
                                            sambut hari jadi di waktu sahur....

                                          hurm.....nasi ayam ...hidangan berbuka jumaat 12 ogos 2011
                                           sabtu...13 ogos 2011... lauk satu jek......buah-buahan meriahnya
                                             masak lemak cili api ikan

Saturday, August 13, 2011

article 1-- growing up healthy : the star 17 July 2011

1.key point fact  

2.key point oppinion

3.Summary (grafik organizer)

Children have different growth rates, but with a standardised BMI chart, parents and healthcare providers can keep track of whether they are growing normally.
HAVE you ever wondered whenever you look at your child’s class picture that children from the same class, and in the same age group, come in various shapes and sizes?
Some children might look tiny and scrawny standing next to their friends, but others will literally stand out head and shoulders above the rest.

You might easily make some comparisons, but in reality, each of us grow differently.
Growth rate differs according to gender, age and other environmental factors, and many of these factors vary from one family to the other. However, growth rate tends to follow standard patterns.
So, how do we know whether our children’s growth is normal? Is there any yardstick we can use to keep track of it?
Body measurements such as height and weight are important indicators in population health to evaluate a child’s well-being in terms of nutritional status and physiological needs and to identify any growth discrepancy.
These measurements are normally compared to a reference chart to determine the growth status.
Subjects who are unusual in the sense that their measurement for a particular trait lie in one or the other tail of the distribution curve will be determined, thus helping clinicians and public health workers to diagnose growth-related conditions.
Since the late 1970’s, the National Centre for Health Statistics (NCHS) World Health Organisation (WHO) growth reference chart has been in use to chart children’s growth worldwide.
WHO released a growth reference chart for school-aged children and adolescents in 2007.
The 2000 CDC growth charts consist of a series of percentile curves that illustrate the distribution of selected body measurements in US children.
They represent the revised version of the 1977 NCHS growth charts. This revised growth charts consist of charts for boys and girls aged two to 20 years, including body mass index-for-age (BMI-for-age) aged two to 20 years, which provide an improved tool for evaluating the growth of children in clinical and research settings.

When doctors or healthcare providers plot a child’s BMI number on the chart, they will be able to see which percentile line that number lies.
The percentile indicates the relative position of the child’s BMI number among children of the same age and gender. The higher the percentile number, the bigger a child is compared with other kids of the same age and gender. On the other hand, the lower the percentile number, the smaller the child is.
Being in high or low percentile does not necessarily mean that a child is healthier or has growth problems.
How do you define a good or a bad growth? A child has gained enough weight if the curve is going up and the slope is parallel to one of the references curves. Even if the child is small, the growth curve should still go up and should be parallel to one of the reference curves to show the child is growing well.
On the other hand, the child’s growth is static if the curve is flat. This is a dangerous sign that needs to be further investigated.
A child has lost weight if the child’s growth curve shows a downward direction. A child’s growth is slowing and the weight gain is less than expected if the curve is less steep than the reference curve.
Doctors in Malaysia have been using the CDC or the WHO charts to assess our children’s growth.
International growth charts allow comparisons to be made between different countries, but regional or national references are more useful in the assessment of local changes in nutritional status.
The need to develop an appropriate single reference centile chart for screening, surveilance and monitoring of school-aged children and adolescents has been motivated by increasing public health concern over childhood obesity, as well as a lack of an acceptable local reference for growth evaluation for Malaysia.
Early studies on weight and height curves for Malaysian school children was highlighted and recorded by ST Chen and AE Dugdale from Universiti Malaya (published in the Medical Journal of Malaya in 1970).
Having a nationwide study to access growth in terms of height and weight involving an appropriate number of children and adolescents to represent the current population of that age is therefore necessary in view of the rapid changes in the country’s economy, lifestyle and nutritional status.
Against this background, a research team from the Universiti Malaya (UM) has conducted a comprehensive nationwide cross-sectional study to model the growth curves of Malaysian school children ranging from 7 to 17 years old, and consisting of Malays, Chinese, Indians and several indigenous groups. The study was supported by a UM research grant and data was collected with permission from the Education Ministry.
The study has successfully developed a standardised BMI chart for schoolchildren in Malaysia.
This cross-sectional study is based on data obtained from a sample of about 14,000 from schoolchildren all over Malaysia.
The results show the average BMI scores of each age category of our children: BMI scores at or more than 97th percentile: obese; BMI scores between 90th percentile to 97th percentile: overweight; BMI scores between 5th percentile to 90th percentile: healthy / acceptable weight; BMI scores between 3rd percentile to 5th percentile: underweight; BMI scores less than 3rd percentile: severely underweight.
The majority of children who are overweight are also obese and need help with weight management.
Obese children are at higher risks of becoming obese adults and increased risk for chronic diseases later in life, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
With the development of these reference charts, parents, teachers and health providers can perform their own evaluation to determine whether their children are growing normally or otherwise.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Roh di bulan Ramadhan

 saya telah terbaca artikel ini dr facebook jadi saya kongsikan di sini

Pagi tadi sempena hari Jumaat bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini, aku menghadiri majlis ilmu yang membincangkan tentang amalan di bulan Ramadhan. Satu perkara yang menarik perhatian aku tadi, ustaz penceramah bercerita tentang keadaan roh di bulan Ramadhan. Menurut satu hadith Rasulullah.. (maaf aku tak sempat catat perawi hadith ini).. menceritakan apabila tiba bulan Ramadhan, semua roh berkumpul di Luh Mahfuz memohon kepada Allah S.W.T untuk kembali ke bumi. Ada roh yang dibenarkan pulang ke bumi dan ada yang tidak dibenarkan.Roh yang dibenarkan pulang adalah kerana amalan baik mereka semasa hayat mereka ataupun ada penjamin-penjamin yang mendoakan mereka. Manakala roh-roh yang tidak dibenarkan pulang disebabkan kesalahan mereka semasa hayat mereka akan terus di penjara di Luh Mahfuz.   Apabila roh dibenarkan pulang, perkara pertama yang mereka lakukan adalah pergi ke tanah perkuburan untuk melihat jasad mereka. Kemudian mereka akan pergi ke rumah anak2 mereka, orang yang mendapat harta pusaka mereka dan ke rumah orang yang mendoakan mereka dengan harapan orang yang mereka lawati itu memberi hadiah untuk bekalan mereka.Perkara ini akan berlarutan sehinggala tibanya Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Pada saat ini mereka akan mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada jasad dan pulang semula ke Luh Mahfuz dengan bekalan yang diberikan oleh mereka2 yang masih hidup.   Di sini ustaz memberitahu hikmah adanya alam kubur. Alam kubur membuktikan bahawa Allah itu Maha Penyayang. Orang yang melakukan kesalahan semasa hayatnya boleh dibantu dengan doa orang2 yang masih hidup. Alangkah bahagianya jika seseorang yang telah meninggal dunia masih mendapat bekalan dari orang-orang yang masih hidup.   Oleh itu wahai sahabatku, jangan biarkan orang-orang yang kita sayang, yang mengadap Allah terlebih dulu daripada kita sepi tanpa doa dan sedekah daripada kita. Sesungguhnya apabila mati seseorang anak adam itu, terputus i a semua hal kecuali 3 perkara iaitu doa anak2 yang soleh, ilmu yang bermanfaat dan sedekah amal jariah.   Sebarkan e-mail dakwah ini kepada seberapa ramai orang terdekat anda, dan mintalah mereka untuk melakukan hal yang sama. Ini bukanlah ancaman surat berantai. Yang jelas jika anda tidak meneruskan e-mail ini, maka anda telah melepaskan kesempatan untuk saling menasihati dalam kebenaran dan beramal soleh. Jika anda melakukan dengan ikhlas insya Allah anda akan mendapat ganjaran pahala kebaikan dari Allah.  Mari berlumba dalam kebaikan.  

Nasi tomato n ayam masak merah berempah

cadangnya......nak buat nasi tomato hari ni...idea dr suami tersayang....sebagai hidangan buka puasa hari ni...

lauknye ...apa lagi...ayam masak merah berempah la....untuk anak2..ayam goreng ala KFC.

kalau siap nanti gambar akan diupload yer...

seperti yang dijanjikan inilah dia............

            Nasi tomato...dan ayam masak merah yang simple dan tak berhias pun ......
 Walaupun sempoi abg dan kata sedap ....hari ni dia kata tambah nasi sebab sedap....ehehhe yesss
kalau ada yang berkenan ngan resepi nya senang jer cari kat myresepi nasi tomato choppy
resepi ayam masak merah berempah saya dapat dr majalah rasa ....entah tahun bila dah lupa....dan majalah nya pun dah hilang entah ke mana?

Nanti bila senang saya letak resepinya di sini yer..

ikan kembong percik

Inilah dia ikan kembong percik....juadah berbuka puasa semalam ,Sabtu 6 Ogos 2011.

bekerja sambil belajar atau belajar sambil bekerja ?

4/5 Ogos 2011- Ujian gerak gempur 1

1.menguruskan kertas soalan ujian percubaan negeri perak

2. menguruskan perpindahan calon (mengisi borang perpindahan calon)

3. menyiapkan sijil untuk anugerah guru besar .30 sijil ....5A 8 orang 4A1B ...22 orang

8 Ogos 2011

1. ke PPD kulai untuk key in markah pafa&peka serta percubaan bersama rohaidah...

banyak kerja lepas ni......assigment ada 4 ....satu pun belum buat....tapi alhamdulillah bahan dah ada tinggal nak buat jer.

assigment pertama.... bertajuk 5 tonggak dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik...(individu)

kedua.....ELP (english) cari 2 articles not more than 1000.cari key point fact  dan key point oppinion.

ketiga.....mte 3101--- matematik rekreasi

ke empat  ...literasi numerasi... kena buat teselation pada a4 paper dan 5 buah model polihedra

semua ni kena hantar pada 20 Ogos 2011....

Monday, August 1, 2011

resepi nasi boli terengganu

dah lama rasanya tak makan nasi boli.......try this untuk celebrate besday syafiq....
                                              nasi boli
                                          gulai daging + tulang rusuk
                                            acar timun

Nasi Boli
3 cawan beras biasa
1 cawan beras pulut
6 cawan air
1 btg kulit kayu manis
3 biji buah pelaga
2 biji bunga lawang
minyak untuk menumis
bahan kisar
1 biji bawang merah
2 ulas bawang putih
2 inci halia
1. cuci beras + beras pulut masukkan dalam periuk nasi
2. tumis bahan kisar bersama kayu manis , puah pelaga dan bunga lawang hingga naik bau.
3.masukkan air dan garam secukup rasa ke dalam bahan tumisan,biar hingga mendidih.
4. Masukkan air tumisan ke dalam periuk nasi .
5. tunggu sehingga hingga masak

gulai daging

bawang putih
bawang merah
cili kisar
daging fresh
1 sudu besar kerisik
3 sudu besar rempah gulai
rempah tumis (kayu manis,buah pelaga,bunga lawang)
asam keping
1.blend bawang putih,bawang merah,halia.
2. Masukkan bahan kisar ke dalam mangkuk + kerisik + rempah gulai dan kacau.
3. Tumis bahan kisar hingga naik bau..dan masukkan cili + rempah tumis
4. Masukkan daging kacau .....
5. Masukkan air,asam keping ,garam dan gula secukup rasa.


timun ,karot , kobis ,lada merah,bawang merah (dihiris)
gaulkan garam gula dan cuka
Lagi satu :makan ngan ikan kering atau ikan bilis goreng ..peh...sodap...
                                            ikan kering
                                           4 beradik
                                           ibu n irdina
                                                        my hero